Ash Wednesday Resources really, "Repentance Resources" BRYAN WOLFMUELLER FEB 13


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Ash Wednesday Resources

really, "Repentance Resources"


FEB 13




(Wednesday What-Not is free. Your subscription is a helpful donation. Thanks!)

/ Psalm 32:6-7

We are not only surrounded by deliverance, but by songs of deliverance.

/ Confessional Mirror

The Lutheran Church has the tradition of the Confessional Mirror, questions used for self reflection on the Ten Commandments.

Here is my ten-question mirror:

Ten Questions from the Ten Commandments: 

What am I afraid of? 

How are my prayers? 

What is my attitude toward worship? 

What is my attitude toward authority? 

Am I angry? 

Am I chaste?

Am I generous? 

Am I bitter?

& 10. Am I happy? Am I content? 

For the longer list of questions, here are some resources:

Korby’s (my favorite):

The Brotherhood Prayer Book’s:

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/ The Passion of Jesus from All Four Gospels

Here’s my attempt at putting all four Gospels together for Holy Week. We’re using this for our midweek services. It contains only the words from the Scriptures, and all verses are indicated. You can download the PDF or Word document for your use.

/ Ash Wednesday Multi-Media Playlist

In 2019 you all helped me build this great collection of Lenten Resources (hymns, art, poems). Please add more in the comments.

Leave a comment

/ About “Lent”

Click here for bullet points from Pr Pless.

/ Coffee, For You

My friend Steve started a coffee company.

Please add your own theological recommendations in the comments.

If you are new here, visit the archives for a ton of stuff. (You can even search for your favorite topics.)

Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.) 

If you find this helpful, forward it to a friend. If this was forwarded to you, click here to sign-up for yourself. 

Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch. 

Christ is Risen! Pastor Wolfmueller

Psalm 27:4

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© 2024 Bryan Wolfmueller

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104


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